Water board

A water board (Dutch: waterschap or hoogheemraadschap, Flanders and Northern France: watringue, France: agence de l'eau, German: Wasserverband) is a regional organisation that has very different functions from one country to another, ranging from flood control, water resources management, water charging and financing, and bulk water supply.


The Netherlands


The National Water Resources Board (NWRB), created in 1976 through the National Water Code, coordinates policies concerning water resources.

South Africa

Water Boards play a key role in the South African water sector. They operate dams, bulk water supply infrastructure, some retail infrastructure and some wastewater systems. Some also provide technical assistance to municipalities. Through their role in the operation of dams they also play an important role in water resources management. The Water Boards report to the Department of Water and Forestry.

United Kingdom

Water level management

United States
